AI Researchers at the University of Arizona
The University of Arizona is at the forefront of innovation in artificial intelligence research. With a robust network of researchers representing fields across an impressive array of colleges, we accelerate the growth of artificial intelligence technology, while ensuring that AI is ethical, human centered, and beneficial for society.
Note: This list of AI Researchers is continually being updated. Please let us know if you want to be included by filling out this FORM. Based on your recommendation, we value your input and look forward to enhancing this resource.

Jekan Thangavelautham
Associate Professor
Focus: Machine Learning applied to concurrent design and control of space systems, Artificial Neural Networks applied to multirobot systems and swarms for planetary reconnaissance, extreme environment exploration, site clearing, open-pit mining, excavation, and construction tasks.

Ming Li
Focus: Wireless and Cyber Security, Wireless Network Modeling and Optimization, Wireless and Spectrum Security, Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics, and Cyber-Physical System Security.

Wolfgang Fink
Associate Professor
Focus: Human and Brain-machine Interfaces, Smart Service Systems, Autonomous Systems, Biomedical Engineering for Health Care, and Computer-optimized Design

Roberto Furfaro
Focus: Guidance and Control of Space Systems, Intelligent Algorithms for Space Exploration, Remote Sensing of Planetary Bodies, Model-based Systems Engineering Applied to Space Missions

Cristian Román-Palacios
Assistant Professor
Focus: Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Drivers, Paleoclimatic Reconstructions and Climate Change, Applied Data Mining and Machine Learning

Greg Chism
Assistant Professor of Practice
Focus: Data Visualization, Statistics and Statistical Learning, Social Network Analysis

Nicholas DiRienzo
Adjunct Lecturer
Focus: Data Science Pedagogy, Applied Machine Learning, Quantitative Research Methods

Adarsh Pyarelal
Assistant Professor
Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Applied Natural Language Processing and Dialog Understanding, and Scientific applications.

Clayton Morrison
Associate Professor
Focus: Machine learning, Probabilistic modeling, Causal inference

Peter Jansen
Associate Professor
Focus: Natural language processing, Artificial intelligence, Cognitive science

Steven Bethard
Associate Professor
Focus: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Information Extraction Models

Winslow Burleson
Focus: Human Computer Interaction, Learning Sciences, Heath Science Design

Xuan Lu
Assistant Professor
Focus: Human-centered Data Science, Artificial intelligence, Human-AI Collaboration

Chicheng Zhang
Assistant Professor
Focus: Interactive Machine Learning, Learning Theory, Contextual Bandits, Active Learning

Eduardo Blanco
Associate Professor
Focus: Natural Language Processing, Computational Semantics, Relation Extraction and Inference, Negation and Uncertainty

Ellen Riloff
Focus: Natural Language Processing, Bootstrapped Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Jason Pacheco
Assistant Professor
Focus: Statistical Machine Learning, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Approximate Inference Algorithms, and Bayesian Methods

Kobus Barnard
Focus: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Scientific Applications, Multimedia Data

Kwang-Sung Jun
Assistant Professor
Focus: Interactive Machine Learning, Learning Theory, Multi-armed Bandits, Online Learning, Confidence Bounds

Lei Cao
Assistant Professor
Focus: Systems for AI and AI for System, Data Management, and Analytics tools with SAUL properties (Scalable, Automatic, Human-in-the-loop).

Mihai Surdeanu
Associate Professor
Focus: Natural Language Processing, Applied Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Gus Hahn-Powell
Assistant Professor
Focus: Literature-based Discovery, Machine Reading, Information Extraction, Rule Learning, Knowledge Assembly

Mike Hammond
Focus: Computational Modeling of Phonology, Morphology, Poetic Meter, Speech Processing; Automatic Speech Recognition, Text-to-speech

Gondy Leroy
Focus: Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning with a practical and positive impact

Sudha Ram
Focus: Machine Learning, AI Interpretability and Explainable AI, Large Scale Network Science and Data Mining, Health Care Analytics, Big Data Analytics

Hao Helen Zhang
Focus: Nonparametrics, High Dimensional Data Analysis, Feature Selection, Sparse Methods, Statisical Machine Learning, Biomedical Data Analysis.

Michael Chertkov
Focus: Energy Systems, Graphical Models, Stat Hydro, Non-eq. Stat mech, Fiber Optics, Stochastic Control.

Cas Laskowski
Technology & Empirical Services Librarian
Focus: Ethical implications of AI, privacy, censorship, A2J, national security, and individual liberty

Christopher L. Griffin, Jr.
Director of Empirical & Policy Research
Focus: Antitrust and corporate governance

Tara Sklar
Faculty Director
Focus: AI and medical devices

Note: This list of AI Researchers is continually being updated. Please let us know if you want to be included by filling out this FORM. Based on your recommendation, we value your input and look forward to enhancing this resource.
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